Main objective of share Division is based
on existing worth value and proposed infrastructure
.Total worth calculation as per
given in project report is 200 cr(Two hund.
crores) including college + University+school
Equity Calculation:-
Main objective of share Division is based
Alpha Technical University Total share
is 100. That means value100 share is
equal two hundreds crore If we consider
for each share costing is 2cr(Two cores).
Who can buy the share?
Any National or International buyer who
is having best name or fame in social or
industrial fare deal Record in past or
present. Willing to have long term
Investment goal.
Legal Bond:
Equity Share would be
given in the form of legal agreement
between first party alpha technical
university Management comity or board
of Director who is header of Alpha technical
University, Second Party who is buyer of
Share Equity.
How Payment can be accepted?
You can made Payment Neft or Rtgs
Directly into Alpha Technical University.Accounts or cash payment also be acceptable to
get 80 G deduction in your income tax Rebate. We
accept it as form of Donation for University.
What would be profit gaining?
The profit earning would be provided or growth of
your investment can be expected as per given in
project report at present existing college is
having bed college, veterinary college, DMLT
Polytechnic college . all the seats are fill up . Also
senior secondary cbse Affiliated school. All are in
Runing Condition almost more than 700 hundreds
students are in school .
Almost 6cr to 8cr yearly earning is at present
campus while after university take over and after
completing the approval process of university, it
would be earning as per Ratio is given in project
Is there limit to buy equity share ?
Any buyer’s can buy only five share or have to pay
that equity value only to university.
there limitation is vary 1 to 5.
Term Condition
- 1.Share partner’s may be silent or active
helping hands in university management
activity as a member Board of management.
All the information would be shareable with
equity buyer on regular basis either they are
active or silent partner’s.
- 2.Monthly expenses and income breakdown
would also provided to all partner’s can
visualizes loss or profit regular basis but locking
periods is 7 years. Any share holder’s
can withdraw their profit share or surrender
their equity not possible before locking periods.
- 3.Collateral partners have to visit
bank branch and safely deposit their
property document himself university
management body and banker’s both
would be provided better satisfaction
to associate long term plan.
- 4.This equity share is given for Alpha
Technical university NCR campus situated at
village bhambhewa District jind. All the
Facilities of term condition is only for this
campus not for other campus of alpha
technical university campus situated
- 5.The Alpha Technical University is having
central origin that’s why ATU can open their campus
any state as per ugc norms and each and every
campus can invite share partner’s separately any
campus would be managed separately, their share
partner’s would be only for particular campus doesn’t
concern for other branch. All the campus would
managed by corporate office new Delhi.